Human Pin Cushion Round 2

The time has arrived.

I don’t know where 2014 went. But it came and went in the blink of an eye. Now it’s the second week of 2015 and my veggie drawer contains Follistim and progesterone, my spice cabinet is filled with Menopur and HCG and I have more needles than a junkie on a weekend bender.

I am not ready for this…

I had all these grandiose ideas that I would pack on a few pounds, start eating healthy, take my vitamins daily and maybe even throw in some acupuncture. It’s almost comical thinking about that now. Well it’s too late…I failed miserably at achieving even one of my goals. But holy hell, crack whores get pregnant right? That was slightly uncouth…but if you haven’t realized already-sophistication is not really my style.

But alas, that is not completely true, we did accomplish something. We DID sell our house and move into our new home (I use the term move loosely) before January. That accomplishment alone was a feat, but a feat that has been overwhelmingly positive. (Minus finding the dog in the turtle cage chewing on the poor little guys shell…but fear not the vet patched him up). We love the digs, the neighborhood, and the neighbors. B-ray started his new school and is adjusting well as always. That kid could make friends with a rock.

First Up on the Schedule:

I take my final birth control pill today (counter productive I know) and ultrasound on Wednesday. Then Friday is the dreaded day…Stimulation Day 1. Oh how I wish I could be sitting on a beach in Mexico…

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